
We support cycling in the Hochtaunus District.

The daily travel to school, work, shopping or even sports are ideal for cycling due to the usually short distance - in times of pedelecs and e-bikes also in the higher altitudes of the Hochtaunus district. Switching to a bicycle not only saves money and CO2 emissions, but also time, especially on short trips. Exercise in the fresh air is also good for your health and general well-being.

There are already many good reasons to cycle, and the Hochtaunus district is creating even more with various initiatives. A cycling concept provides the general direction and summarizes the necessary infrastructural measures. In addition, there are campaigns such as "STADTRADELN" (city cycling), which are intended to attract more people to cycling.

Two other important pillars of cycling promotion are the offers "Besser zur Schule" (Get to school safer) and "Südhessen effizient mobil" (South Hesse efficiently mobile), which support holistic mobility management in schools and businesses.

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